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FOSROC Nitoproof 210 | Brookland Building Supplies

High performance water based rubberised bitumen waterproofing membrane with root penetration inhibitor.

Nitoproof 210 is a high performance single component water based bituminous rubberised waterproofing membrane. Developed for the Residential & Commercial construction industry. It forms a highly flexible monolithic waterproofing membrane. This product was previously known as Emer-Proof Ecoflex.


  • Waterproofing of: retaining walls, planter boxes, building foundation walls, below ground tanking structures

  • Waterproofing/damp proof sandwich membrane

  • Bond breaker for key joints and dowel bars


  • Self priming on most common substrates (refer Priming)

  • Excellent cold flexibility and elongation

  • Contains root penetration inhibitor

  • Low VOC

  • Fast drying

  • Excellent resistance to ponding water

  • Non-toxic

  • Non-flammable


FOSROC Nitoproof 210 PDS

FOSROC Nitoproof 210 SDS

FOSROC Nitoproof 210 Spec Clause

Brookland Building Supplies