Nu EcoSafe Strip Rust Converter & Inhibitor is a water based rust removing compounds specifically designed to provide a clean, rust free surface prior to recoating. Nu EcoSafe Strip Rust Converter & Inhibitor can remove heavy rust and prevent re-rusting for extended periods of time.
Nu EcoSafe Strip Rust Converter & Inhibitor has proven they will effectively remove all types of rust, whether light surface rust or deep seated blooms.
The end results produced with Nu EcoSafe Strip Rust Converter & Inhibitor are the same as those achieved by the harsh and dangerous chemicals presently used by industry.
The residue is easily removed by water rinsing and the surface is ready for a new coating.
New coatings exhibited no reduction of adhesion under standard adhesion pull tests.
If allowed to air dry, the product will protect the surface from re-rusting for extended periods of time.
Brush, Roller or Rag.
A brush or a roller for application over small areas.
A small hand pump, weed sprayer or conventional spray equipment capable of producing a fine atomized spray for larger areas.